Sierra Tactical Bond Fund Recognized as a Top 5 Bond Pick for Retirement by U.S. News & World Report
“STBNX operates with a dual objective of providing total return while minimizing downside risk.”
Sierra Mutual Funds is pleased to share that the Sierra Tactical Bond Mutual Fund has been recognized as one of the Top 5 Bond Funds for Retirement by US News & World Report. Our tactical, rules-based investment process is designed with the objective of helping limit downside risk for
investors, which may be beneficial to clients who are in or nearing retirement.
This is an article reprint from U.S. News & World Report that appeared on May 15, 2024 at This information is not based on any questionnaire or survey completed by Sierra Mutual Funds, Sierra Investment Management, Inc., or Ocean Park Asset Management, LLC, and we do not know the basis or methodology used to result in the rating, or whether the rating can be considered fair or objective. We did not provide any information or compensation to U.S. News & World Reports for this rating. This article contains the statements and opinions of an unaffiliated third-party. We do not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, with respect to the fairness, correctness, accuracy, reasonableness or completeness of any of the information contained herein and we expressly disclaim any responsibility or liability therefore. The investments discussed herein should not be perceived as a recommendation to purchase or sell any particular investment. It should not be assumed that these investments were or will be profitable. There is no guarantee that risk can be managed successfully.
The thoughts and opinions expressed in the article are solely those of the person speaking as of 05/15/2023, and not necessarily those of Sierra and are provided for informational purposes only. Any opinion or estimate contained in this article is made on a general basis and is not to be relied upon by the reader as advice. The reader must make his/her own assessment of the relevance, accuracy, and adequacy of the information contained in this article, and make such independent investigations as he/she may consider necessary or appropriate for the purpose of such assessment.
Investors should carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses of the Sierra Mutual Funds. This and other information about the Fund is contained in the prospectuses and should be read carefully before investing. The prospectuses can be obtained by clicking here or by calling toll free 1-866-738-4363 (1-866-RETI-FND). The Sierra Mutual Funds are distributed by Northern Lights Distributors, LLC, member FINRA/SIPC. Ocean Park Asset Management, LLC is not affiliated with Northern Lights Distributors, LLC.
There is no guarantee that any investment strategy will achieve its objectives, generate profits or avoid losses.
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